Free travel Itinerary for Spain, France, Germany, Czech Republic and Poland
Explore a step-by-step detailed itinerary for a free travel trip in Europe (Spain, France, Germany, Czech Republic and Poland), focused on minimizing expenses and leveraging free or volunteer-based services. This plan assumes a one-month trip and spans four countries. Week 1: Spain (Barcelona and Valencia) Day 1-2: Arrival in Barcelona Accommodation: Workaway: Volunteer at a local hostel in exchange for free lodging and meals. Tasks might include cleaning or reception work (4-5 hours/day). Alternatively, look for hosts on Couchsurfing. Activities: Free walking tour of the Gothic Quarter and El Born. Visit Parc Güell (free after hours, but limited access to the main areas). Explore Barceloneta Beach. Meals: Eat at community kitchens or use apps like Too Good To Go. Day 3-7: Valencia Transportation: Take a rideshare via BlaBlaCar (~€10-15 or free if you find a hitchhike). Accommodation: Volunteer on an organic farm near Valencia (WWOOF). Tasks may include gar...